Election post


Hello everyone! My name is Anna Konietzko and I'm currently a First-Year Representative of the ESG Society and I'm excited to announce that I'm running for the position of Treasurer.

Throughout this academic year, I've gained valuable experience within the society. I initiated the "How to start sustainably investing" event with sustainable finance expert Jessica Robinson, enhancing my professional communication and organizational skills, which I hope to leverage as Treasurer.

In addition, I helped organise other events and communicated with guests, which received positive feedback.

Regarding my past experience, I already have several experiences managing finances of an organization.
I co-founded a fundraiser financing the education of teachers in Haiti and will do an internship at a sustainable wealth manager during the summer where my main tasks will also entail financial planning. Through a financial modeling course I also have the suitable hard skills to make forecasts and to analyse the society‘s financial health.
Further, as the role of the treasurer includes essentially getting the financial backup, I believe that I could utilise one of my greatest strengths, being communication, through this role, especially since I know the society through being a First Year Representative well.


Thank you for considering my candidacy!