Election post


I believe that a strong marketing campaign can cement a society's position in the artsUCL and wider university community. In the age of social media, having a robust presence equips a society with the necessary reach to engage with current and potential future members, boosting membership and participation. 

Having worked with NoonTalk Media - a Singaporean media company specialising in artiste and influencer management - for close to a year, I am familiar with the way social media can be used to promote and maximise awareness of events. In addition, having grown up within a culture that has normalised the need to maintain a strong social media presence, I am definitely guilty of:

1. Over-publicising snapshots of my life

2. Putting way too much effort into a singular Instagram post

3. Strategising when to post it to attain maximum reach even though I know it's not that deep :")

I therefore believe that all this free time spent editing photos, thinking of a good caption and re-saving five different drafts of a story can be put to good use on Drama Society's Instagram, to generate more interest and awareness about the society's events, especially with regards to regular promotion of productions and showcases! Also, I do love playing around on graphic design apps to create (hopefully) aesthetically pleasing posts, thumbnails and stories, and hope that I can utilise all these skills to improve the society's presence as your Head of Marketing and PR :)