Election post
As your first year representative for the past academic year, I have gained insights into the inner workings of our society. I’ve actively stepped up to increase engagement with our members, organise events and assist in administrative and logistical matters. I’m thankful to be part of such an incredible society that has put forward high-quality events, and I’d love to bring it to greater heights.
Here, in brief, are my aspirations for our society:
1) External Aims
- Expanding the scope of our visits to organisations like the Commonwealth Secretariat, Chatham House, IMO etc.
- Venturing out of our largely Eurocentric focus and into regions like Asia for our visits / events
- Working with the Careers Officer to bring about relevant career workshops, internships and volunteering opportunities
- Building relations with UCL / London societies through active collaborations
- Publicity for The Diplomacy Review, such as for our journalists’ articles
2) Internal Aims
- Your interests matter: involving members in choosing future event topics
- Consistent social events (both academic and non-academic)
- Committee:
- Compiling all past contacts for accessibility
- Cohesive publicity: updating our website, communication platforms
I would love to hear your opinions on my aforementioned points - do drop me an email at [email protected] or come down for our hustings if you are interested to learn more!
Thank you! :)