Election post


Hey everyone, I’m Garbo! I'm a First-Year BA Philosophy student and I am standing for LfA society president because I’d like to bridge the gap between law enthusiasts at UCL and practising legal experts! Whether you aspire to be a solicitor, barrister or are undecided, I want to create a learning space where OUR team can support YOUR aspirations! 

Further, as the current First Year Rep, I have been heavily involved in LfA’s Christmas moot, 10th-anniversary ball planning and commercial podcast to know how to continue its operational successes. Specifically, as one of the hosts, writers and editors of the LfA podcast on Spotify, I've helped our team reach 240+ listeners across 8 countries and hope to continue LfA's legacy. Put simply, a VOTE for GARBO is a VOTE for ACTIONABLE SUCCESS. 

As President, I will run the following events: 

  • Networking with our law firm sponsors 
  • Application skills workshops 
  • Introductory sessions to legal practice areas 
  • Commercial awareness podcasts 
  • LfA society balls & socials 
  • (All great experiences for your work applications!)