Election post


My name is Daniel Lavrentyev and I am running for a position of the President of UCL Kazakh Society. 

This year I have been a part of our society’s committee, more specifically the events team. This has helped me to learn how the society is run from the inside and allowed me to understand what can be improved. I also already have experience in leading a society, as I was the Kazakh Society president in Concord College. I have many plans for the future of the society and here are my goals for the next year:

  • Increase the number and the variety of social events
  • Improve the Career Panels by including professionals from Kazakhstan
  • Improve cooperation between all University Kazakh Societies in England by creating a Kazakh Society Guild
  • Collaborate with educational institutes and organisations in Kazakhstan
  • Introduce questionnaires
  • Improve the sense of camaraderie in the society and enable better communication between the committee and all our society’s members

I have many more goals for future, but this are the main things I want to focus on as, hopefully, a future UCL Kazakh Society President.

I am aware of the amount of work, pressure and responsibility this position comes with, but I am prepared to do all the work in order to improve our society and represent Kazakhstan in the best possible way. Therefore, I truly believe I am a suitable candidate for this position.

Feel free to contact at [email protected].