Election post


The role of a social secretary involves organising social events to bring the Indian society together and I believe I have the requisite qualities to perform successfully in this role.

I was part of the Hindu committee during secondary school, in which I delivered assemblies and promoted social events through the year. I am able to handle chaotic situations maturely, which I believe will come handy when dealing with difficult scenarios.

As part of completing my Gold DofE, I worked alongside others in a team and recorded any problems throughout the expeditions. This transferable skill will ensure that I am able to communicate effectively with the rest of the committee when needed.

Through regularly attending desi clubbing nights and even performing at Jashn, I have had the first hand experience of these major events. This has enabled me to gauge a sense of what the people want and hopefully I can use the role to better the future clubbing experiences.

I desire to let my warm, hard-working and enthusiastic self be expressed when completing the assigned duties and making real the desire to help others.