Election post


UCLWHC has made me feel at home in a new city and led me to meet some truly wonderful people. Although certain videos may forever haunt me, I’ve loved every social, match and training session. I’d love to get more involved with the club as treasurer.  

My experience has prepared me for the role. With A-level maths and physics behind me, I’ve got a strong head for numbers. Equally, I am currently on the board of a charity promoting youth involvement in politics. Through this, I have worked both independently and in teams to organise events, contact external organisations, create content, and have sent many the passive aggressive email chasing people up. I know the importance of meeting deadlines and having strong internal lines of communication to keep projects afloat. With my term there ending soon, I’d love to take on a different challenge as treasurer.

As treasurer, I would:
-Transparent and timely communication:  Striving to ensure payments/ reimbursements are as predictable as possible, providing advance warnings and expected overviews of potential costs
-Promote inexpensive socials: At the start of term when the weather is lovely, deadlines are far off, and everyone needs to get to know each other, BBQs, picnics, or fitness sessions would be a great way to encourage new members and promote integration
-Linking up with other societies to organise sponsored events: by pooling resources and connections, we could ensure that events gain traction