Election post


Hi everyone! My name is Serena, a first-year Economics and Geography student running for the position of Events Executive. 

This year, I have participated in several events held by the Green Economy Society, including the Breaking into ESG talk and the Case Study Workshop. These experiences have not only allowed me to meet like-minded peers but also helped me realise the significance of successful events in students’ professional development. All of which has prompted me into applying for this position. 

As a regular volunteer with the Green Schools Project, I am keen to raise awareness of the values of sustainable development and to create an impact. Hence my aim for next year is to provide insight into a diverse range of businesses and opportunities, as well as to extend our career support and empower our members. I hope to do this by:

  • Inviting speakers from a wide range of background
  • Hosting regular career workshops tailored to different sectors
  • Fostering collaboration with other bodies like Sustainable UCL and LSC Sustain

Thank you for your support:) I look forward to organising events for the GES!