Election post


Hey everyone,

My name is Claire and I’m a second year Economics student. You may already know me as I was Cultural Officer and French teacher this year. I had the chance to work alongside a passionate team to relaunch face-to-face activities after 2 years of restrictions.

Being an outgoing and motivated person with experience of leadership, it is a great pleasure to be running for President of the Francophone Society.

My vision as President is to pursue our engaging events such as Club Nights with London European Societies, Cheese & Wine Tastings, Sport Tournaments, …

But I also aim to :

  • Strengthen and expand our network with other like-minded societies both within and outside UCL to boost diversity and increase our outreach and reputation
  • Increase funding by seeking out new sponsorship opportunities in order to organise larger-scale events
  • Build on a strong connection with French universities and Grandes Ecoles

Oh and by the way, I am not alone! I run alongside Clelia Ortscheidt and Nicolas Bert, respectively candidates for VP/treasurer and cultural officer. If you give us your trust, we will work to create a lively and inclusive society!

Thank you for reading my manifesto and feel free to contact me (WhatsApp +33781517063 or [email protected]) if you have any questions :)