Election post


Hi, my name is Oisin, I’m a first-year Physics student and current Data & AI correspondent for the Fintech Review. I have greatly enjoyed my time at the Fintech Society this year and am therefore passionate about continuing the great events for members next year.

As Vice President of Events, I’d aim to continue some of the fantastic events that were held this year as well as starting new ones, with the goal of increasing the frequency of events. Such events would include career talks, internship advice, competitions, and socials. 

I’d work to have more events engaging with the Fintech start-up community. I believe this would be a great opportunity for members to learn about one of the fastest-growing industries in London, and also act as a potential way for students to get into such start-ups. 

I’ve enjoyed some of the competitive events this year and therefore would also aim to expand these, including starting a Fintech hackathon with both technical and non-technical aspects. These events, would not only provide an opportunity to gain experience but are also great for networking and socialising. 

Socials are also a key part of any society and, if elected I would increase the number of such events, especially taking place after career events and competitions.

Finally, if I were to be elected I would be a friendly and welcoming member of the committee, who members can easily approach with ideas for making the best events possible!