Election post


Dear members

My name is Pedro Tafur and I’m a first year Media student. Here you can see a picture of me at the beginning of the year when the weather was lovely, and I still remembered what a good night of sleep felt like. Nevertheless, most of the changes I have experienced since then are overwhelmingly positive:  my hair has grown back and most importantly I’ve had the chance of growing creatively and making extraordinary friends while working as Film Soc’s Workshop Producer.

After a year of zoom and online meetings we’ve gone back to filmmaking and to watching films on the big screen.  It’s been a pleasure to contribute bringing industry professionals and providing a space for our most experienced members to share their knowledge with us. My wish for the next year is to carry on working as Workshop Producer to organize all the events which are still pending on our agenda and to keep making Film Soc the place where you want to be if you love cinema and want to learn more about the beautiful nightmarish process of filmmaking.

From the Wong Kar Wai fans to the Woody Allen geeks, from those of you who are passionate about HDR to those who prefer 16mm projections, from the expert photographers to the writers and the editors. We can all achieve great things together, so let’s keep working, let’s keep getting high on film!