Election post


Hi everyone! My name is Laura, I’m a second year Arts and Science student majoring in Neuroscience. I’m originally from Romania but I’ve moved around a lot and spent a majority of my life living in Greece.

I’m running for Workshop Producer as I really love Film Soc and want to help plan as many exciting and informative events as possible. I have experience in doing this as I am one of the current Workshop Producers and would love to continue with it next year. I’ve coordinated many other events in the past as well, such as charity fundraisers and photoshoots. From this, I know how to work well in a team and easily collaborate with others. My background in photography and experience with some filmmaking also allows me to get involved in the more technical aspects of the society as well.

I’m a reliable and organised person that enjoys interacting with and meeting new people. Because of this, I find it easy to reach out to industry professionals and to interact with fellow Film Soc members. I’m also open to listening to everyone’s suggestions and ideas.

I have plenty of ideas for future workshops, especially now that I’ve been able to learn what type of workshops more members prefer and benefit from. I want to help make sure this society stays as inclusive as possible for everyone, regardless of their previous level of knowledge in film.

Thank you for your time and hoping for your confidence!
