Election post


 If I become a vice president of Eurasian Business Society I want to radically transform the society in such a way that it would truly represent its name. In order to do so, I want to implement the following strategies:

- Within Eurasian Business Society I want to create branches of people from various East European Countries. For instance, there would be Serbian, Polish, Baltic and Romanian branches. Each of those branches would be independent of russian speaking branch however we can orgonize certain events together. The active recruitment for such branches would begin in the beginning of next academic year

- Given the ongoing War in Ukraine, I believe that our society's clear stance and unacceptance of the Putin's agression can only be welcomed and praised. The charity events which we organized so far (raising money for the refugees and donating clothes) shows the nature of the people which are present in our society and their commitment to the highest morale standards. As such I belive that further staps should be made and Eursian Business Society should run more charity events which would aim to help those in need from all over the Eastern Europe (especially Ukraine). In this light, I believe that we should create a new branch which would oversee the charity events.