Election post


Hi, I'm Hahn, and I'm running for Vice President of UCLES!

In last year's manifesto, I introduced myself as “an engineering student and passionate badminton, pool, and league of legends player”. Much of that remains the same today, only this year, I carry with me the experiences - both the successes celebrated, and the setbacks endured and overcome -  as the Events Director of UCLES. I'm immensely grateful for everything we've achieved and shared this year - whether it's planning exciting engineering events with an amazing team, or simply sharing a laugh with new people I meet at movie nights or picnics - these are moments I will cherish for a lifetime.

This year, I'm applying for Vice President because I'm confident that my experience, insight, and passion will help take UCLES to new heights in the coming year. My goals are as follows:

  1. Expand on the mentorship program by adding academic mentorship and strengthening careers mentorship with help from industry partners.
  2. Deliver large speaker conferences with representatives across a diverse range of engineering backgrounds.
  3. Build and develop partnerships with societies and organizations both within and outside UCL.
  4. Provide more opportunities for inter-departmental socials that bring together faculty and students.

Being a part of UCLES has been an absolute pleasure, and I hope to extend my journey here and continue to serve our community as the vice president in the coming year!