Election post


Hi! I’m Anna, a 2nd chem eng student and I’m running for Head of Events. When I’m not contemplating my life choices, I am normally commenting on how pretty the sky looks or complaining about the weather, oh and of course organizing events!

This year I had the pleasure to be one of UCLES’ events executives, where I helped in organizing our many events and was lucky to make many new precious friendships and memories. I believe this has given me the experience and equipped me with the organizational and social skills necessary for this role

As Head of Events I will aim to do the following: 

-non-academic socials on a regular basis

-continue to bring in inspiring speakers/companies, ensuring all our members can find a field that suits their interests and have an upper-hand at developing their careers

-Hackathons and workshops, to foster new ideas and grow the skills of our members

-hold our large events: Engineering Ball, Halloween Party and London 2050

-sports tournaments/games between engineering courses, promoting a sense of community in our departments 

-events dedicated to mental health/wellbeing, including bringing in experts for advice, meditation, painting, sports sessions and workshops

-volunteering events to give back to our communities 

I would love to be able to organize many new events over the next year and continue in bettering and growing UCLES together!