Election post


Hi EFS Members,

I’m Zarek, a first-year Economics student and current VP of Client Relations.

During my term, I have worked hard to re-establish connections with old sponsor firms, such as:
1.    D.E. Shaw, a hedge fund with over $55 billion AUM
2.    Oliver Wyman and KPMG, renowned consultancy firms
3.    PJT Partners, an investment banking firm
4.    Jane Street, a quantitative trading firm
5.    And many more

In addition to hosting upcoming dedicated insight events with UCL EFS, many of these firms are looking to hire from UCL EFS’s talent pool, granting us exclusive internship opportunities.

However, I understand that not all industries are covered by our current sponsors, which is why I have continued my networking efforts. In that regard, I am also currently liaising with firms from the Venture Capital space, such as CM Ventures, and firms that can help us host more in-depth technical workshop for our internship holders, such as RDS, in addition to a host of other firms.

I have achieved these results in just a few short weeks as VP of Client Relations, and therefore hope to have your continued support so that I may continue my work in gaining more sponsors for UCL EFS, providing us with greater internship, networking, and learning opportunities.
