Election post


Hello everyone, my name is Nicolas Vogt, and I am running for re-election of Head of Events. This year my events explored a wide variety of themes. They included the past and present of Haiti, the EU’s migration regime in Africa as well as migrants’ suffering in Libya.

Besides continuing what I have been doing for the past year, I would further like to focus on the undermentioned points:

Since it is imperative that a society like ours organises events that are reflective of the interests of our members, I will send out a form at the beginning of the academic year to all our members where they can indicate which topics interest them. This promotes inclusivity as it ensures that my events respond to the interests of you as opposed to vice versa.

Additionally, I intend to place a greater emphasis on interactive, workshop-based events. Since many organisations (or NGOs) are eager to increase their publicity on university campuses, I plan to strengthen and establish constructive win-win relationships, which we can harness in the form of workshops or career-related events. This will also be a way of deepening my emphasis on career-related events.

I would love to continue my work at this society alongside the committee and hope that I am allowed to implement my ideas.