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Nominations: Nominations closed

Voting: Voting closed

Re-open nominations is a winner
Count information
Date count run18 Mar 2022
Election rulesERS97 STV
Candidates running8
Available positions3
Total ballots44
Valid votes44
Invalid votes0
Round 1
Nicolas Vogt [7442]18.00
Raya Mahmood [8742]5.00
Laura B Ionescu [9651]2.00
Maria Victoria Chilari [9738]5.00
Charlotte F Wienberg [9746]10.00
Adam Charef [9800]2.00
Mehmet Baran Ayguven [10167]2.00
RON (Re-open Nominations)0.00
Count of first choices. The initial quota is 11.00. Candidate Nicolas Vogt [7442] has reached the threshold and is elected. Candidates have surplus votes so surplus votes will be transferred for the next round.
Round 2
Nicolas Vogt [7442]11.00
Raya Mahmood [8742]7.10
Laura B Ionescu [9651]2.70
Maria Victoria Chilari [9738]6.40
Charlotte F Wienberg [9746]11.40
Adam Charef [9800]2.00
Mehmet Baran Ayguven [10167]2.00
RON (Re-open Nominations)1.40
Count after transferring surplus votes from Nicolas Vogt [7442]. Candidate Charlotte F Wienberg [9746] has reached the threshold and is elected. Candidates have surplus votes, but since candidates can be safely eliminated, the transfer of surplus votes will be delayed and candidates will be eliminated and their votes transferred for the next round.
Round 3
Nicolas Vogt [7442]11.00
Raya Mahmood [8742]7.10
Laura B Ionescu [9651]2.70
Maria Victoria Chilari [9738]7.10
Charlotte F Wienberg [9746]11.40
Adam Charef [9800]2.00
Mehmet Baran Ayguven [10167]2.00
RON (Re-open Nominations)0.00
All losing candidates are eliminated. Count after substage 1 of 1 of eliminating RON (Re-open Nominations). Transferred votes with value 0.70. Candidates have surplus votes, but since candidates can be safely eliminated, the transfer of surplus votes will be delayed and candidates will be eliminated and their votes transferred for the next round.
Round 4
Nicolas Vogt [7442]11.00
Raya Mahmood [8742]9.10
Laura B Ionescu [9651]0.70
Maria Victoria Chilari [9738]8.10
Charlotte F Wienberg [9746]11.40
Adam Charef [9800]0.00
Mehmet Baran Ayguven [10167]0.00
RON (Re-open Nominations)0.00
All losing candidates are eliminated. Count after substage 1 of 2 of eliminating Laura B Ionescu [9651], Adam Charef [9800], and Mehmet Baran Ayguven [10167]. Transferred votes with value 1.00.
Round 5
Nicolas Vogt [7442]11.00
Raya Mahmood [8742]9.10
Laura B Ionescu [9651]0.00
Maria Victoria Chilari [9738]8.10
Charlotte F Wienberg [9746]11.40
Adam Charef [9800]0.00
Mehmet Baran Ayguven [10167]0.00
RON (Re-open Nominations)0.00
Count after substage 2 of 2 of eliminating Laura B Ionescu [9651], Adam Charef [9800], and Mehmet Baran Ayguven [10167]. Transferred votes with value 0.70. Candidate Raya Mahmood [8742] has reached the threshold and is elected.

Winners are Nicolas Vogt [7442], Raya Mahmood [8742], and Charlotte F Wienberg [9746].


Adam Charef

My name is Adam Charef, i am a first year student in International Social and Political Studies, majoring in International Relations. As a potential head of events I know I already have some key guidelines for our society : 


  • Networking events, a solid base of diplomacy, there’s no reason our society as a whole shouldn’t escape that. As such I want to link our society deeply with other diplomatic societies of universities in London, building a strong diplomatic community. Connected through a common contact database, and inter-universities events
  • To broaden the range of our events, by inviting speakers and guests of all spectrums of the diplomatic world. Our society would organise events ranging from public health, to security.

My first-year experience in the diplomacy society taught me where lie the strengths and the weaknesses of our society, I want to use my experience to pursue the past committee’s work in improving our society.  

As knowledge development director for impact initiative, I learned what it takes to work in a UCL committee, and conform to the Student union’s needs. 

Being head of events, demands to be innovative, and listen to everyone's ideas and thoughts. My experience with that stretches from being head of communication of my school's journal, to president of my city’s youth environmental society. As such I humbly position myself to represent all of you, in an effort to make next year, one to remember.

Maria Victoria Chilari

I am an International Social and Political Studies undergraduate, Moldovan national, and experienced event coordinator in national and international structures. My academic pathway drives my interest in political strategies, whilst my active social involvement is the establishing factor of my passion for teamwork and relationship building.

For instance, within my Young European Ambassador activity, I interacted with members of the European Commission and YEA country teams. Being engaged in policy discussions in an international context motivated me to stand up as the Diplomacy Society Head of Events, to bring the voices shaping global dynamics closer to students. I aim to launch projects giving students the opportunity to engage within intellectual debates, evaluate the efficiency of policy actions, create a network of experts and collaborate with them to build up on personal professional skills. I believe that Diplomacy Society can facilitate the process of adjusting one’s knowledge to higher-order requirements and applicable abilities.

Equally, I am a firm believer in the importance of cultural intelligence in a career in the diplomatic field; this implies an openness towards intellectual challenges when the status quo is denatured, improving accuracy of solutions. Hence, as Head of Events one of my priorities would be promoting this principle by ensuring an inclusive and representative environment for students from all geopolitical backgrounds and interests.

Raya Mahmood

I would like to nominate myself for the role of Head of Events of the Diplomacy society as I am organised, have good communication skills and an aptitude for international affairs. Having lived in numerous international cities, I have been able to equip myself with the ability to connect with people across the globe. After being an active member of the society last year, I would fill the gaps by not only initiating more networking events but also conducting workshops on how to network and maintain relationships effectively. Additionally, after going through a selection process, I would like to introduce a scheme where students have the chance to interview diplomats individually to gain experience in the field.

Utilising UCL’s reputation, I would like to negotiate to allow students to be a part of the British Youth Council and use it as a steppingstone to enter other youth initiatives by the UN.  Being the Head of Events also requires meticulous planning which I will be able to undertake as a well-structured and balanced student. As we are reaching the final stages of the pandemic, I would also like to introduce more in-person events including debates so we can converge our different perspectives to find holistic solutions in current affair problems; essentially engage in diplomacy ourselves. I would strongly value the opportunity to be a part of such a diverse community of intellectuals and vow to expand the horizons of the Diplomacy society in the upcoming year.

Mehmet Baran Ayguven
Nicolas Vogt

Hello everyone, my name is Nicolas Vogt, and I am running for re-election of Head of Events. This year my events explored a wide variety of themes. They included the past and present of Haiti, the EU’s migration regime in Africa as well as migrants’ suffering in Libya.

Besides continuing what I have been doing for the past year, I would further like to focus on the undermentioned points:

Since it is imperative that a society like ours organises events that are reflective of the interests of our members, I will send out a form at the beginning of the academic year to all our members where they can indicate which topics interest them. This promotes inclusivity as it ensures that my events respond to the interests of you as opposed to vice versa.

Additionally, I intend to place a greater emphasis on interactive, workshop-based events. Since many organisations (or NGOs) are eager to increase their publicity on university campuses, I plan to strengthen and establish constructive win-win relationships, which we can harness in the form of workshops or career-related events. This will also be a way of deepening my emphasis on career-related events.

I would love to continue my work at this society alongside the committee and hope that I am allowed to implement my ideas.

Charlotte F Wienberg

My name is Charlotte Wienberg and I am applying for the position of Head of Events. As a student of Politics and International Relations, the Diplomacy Society is of special interest to me. I am extremely passionate about current political events, humanitarian crises and diplomacy and aim to focus future events on these fields and others that have been previously overlooked.

I want to make diplomacy events representative of members’ interests and thus enable direct feedback links to ensure continued interest and participation in our society and make it more inclusive. Within the next academic year, I would like to further enhance networking possibilities for members, as well as establishing a platform for internship opportunities within the fields of interest. By organising more in-person events with other societies, at embassies and with high-profile speakers, members will benefit of rich and multifaceted experiences to strengthen their knowledge and network. With informational events regarding topics of climate, security, policy and many more, I hope to provide a holistic perspective to the field of diplomacy and help the pursuit of respective career trajectories.

I hope to achieve this and much more as Head of Events. Thank you.

Laura B Ionescu

My name is Laura, a first-year Politics and IR student running for the role of the Diplomacy Society's Head of Events.

The two values I would bring into the role would be transparency and reactionary behaviour. Transparency means that I value the importance of honesty and success within the society: having the ability to understand everyone’s wishes and aspirations for the association and consequently acting towards catering to each of your needs. Reactionary behaviour comes as a result of things gone wrong; which is inevitable in an ever-changing, fast-paced environment, ardently striving towards the organisation of an academic year filled with opportunities. I am well accustomed to the need to always adapt, complete certain unforeseeable tasks at the last minute, at uncomfortable times, so that the goal is well achieved.

If elected, I look forward to eagerly organizing interactive events such as speaker and training sessions as well as visits and tours to important  venues (including NGOs and political institutions) that will strive to cater to all interest groups within the Diplomacy Society. I would also look to develop networking within the society itself as well as together with other societies (such as Student Action for Refugees, United Nations and International Relations society) in order to best position students at an advantage ahead of their professional careers.

Thank you for your trust!