Election post


Hey! It’s Amelie and I’ve decided to run for Welfare officer mainly because of my love of everyone that I’ve interacted with in dance soc this year. It is such an amazing society full of fabulous people and I would love to give back!

One of my favourite parts of choreographing Samba in Triple Bill was being able to get close with my dancers, checking up on them and being able to support them. I genuinely love checking up on people, as well as problem-solving (I know balancing a degree and a busy dance schedule can be super hard sometimes!!!). I’m also mega organised- planners and lists are the way to go- so producing a show would be right up my street. I have previous experience organising volunteering events as I work for a charity called ‘Be Me’ that runs self-esteem courses in secondary schools. So I have lots of experience in the welfare role over the last couple of years. 

I am friendly- if a bit too friendly- and can talk to literally anyone, so would really love to put these skills to use to benefit such a diverse society! I am all for inclusivity and making sure that the society is a welcoming place for all. As welfare officer, I would also be very hands on in the society, attending classes, running welfare hour, as well as hopefully meeting up with you guys for coffee. I really want to provide everyone with the time and space to talk things through.

Lots of Love, Amelie