Election post


Hi everyone! My name is Amelia Czapska and I’m hoping you’ll choose me to be your new social secretary!

Do you ever feel like you only ever see your dance friends at rehearsals? I’m here to change that and make dance society much more than just shows, classes and competitions!

As your social secretary, I would aim to:

  • Organise a wide range of socials, that aren’t show or competition specific
  • Make social events a regular part of dance-soc life
  • Organise great pre and post show socials
  • Ensure everyone feels welcome at social events

I’m talking at-least monthly opportunities to spend time with other dance-soc members and meet other dancers that you don’t have any rehearsals with. Mini-golf, pub crawls, trips around London, crocheting, bingo…  (once-approved) I promise there will be something for you.

My main priority is inclusivity, which is why I am ready to organise small and large events to help make dance-soc more of a community after a year of masks at rehearsals and limited size shows.

I’m here to make dance society so much more than just… a dance society, because there’s just no better way to do the things you love, than with your dance-soc friends!

Oh and I promise to try and get us a table at Phineas often, if you’re up for a cheeky Scala night :)