Election post


Hi I’m Sarah! I’m a first year geography student. Although this is my first year with dance society, I’ve tried to be a big part of it and throw myself into as many opportunities that have come my way. I’ve met so many amazing new people through shows and competitions and I would love to be an even bigger part of dance soc by joining committee next year as communications officer. I already love interacting and socializing with dance soc members and as communications officer I would have no problems keeping members updated with announcements from dance soc and answering messages and emails. I have good time management skills and organisation to keep on top of all my work and the amount of hours I seem to spend in the IOE for rehearsals ;) so I’m sure that staying on top of comms is something I will be able to handle. I’m comfortable chatting with anyone in dance soc so I’ll have no problem keeping you all updated with what’s going on. I also love reading the weekly mailer to see the achievements, upcoming events and random notes and would love to be in charge of it myself. I know this role will take time and require good organisation but I also think it would be great fun, highly rewarding and something I’d love to be committed to. Dance Society is a really welcoming and friendly environment and I would love to be a part of it even further next year.