Election post


Hi all! My name is Victoria, and I am a second-year Economics student and a current executive for External Relations and Events at UCL Consulting Society. I am running for the society’s Head of Sponsorship.

The Head of Sponsorship position will play an important role in securing funding for UCLCS so that we can continue to deliver the best events to you. Having organised an in-person case study event with an ex-McKinsey Consultant, which was well-received by our 50 + attendees, and the Women In Consulting Panel Event for International Women’s Day, I have exposed members to multiple perspectives to help them land a successful career in consulting. Hence, I intend to use my strong organisational and communication skills to secure great sponsorships for UCLCS by building strong relationships with consulting firms.

As Head of Sponsorship, I will also:

  • Work closely with the treasurer to increase transparency within the committee about funding to budget more effectively for our future events.
  • Collaborate with sponsors and our competitions division to host case competitions so leading consulting employers can recognise our members

A vote for me will ensure that UCLCS runs smoothly so that our members can continue to have the best experience. Thank you!