Election post


Having worked for the past year as the Marketing Executive of the Computer Science Society, I have gained insight into the direction that the society should grow in order to strengthen and broaden the community that we have created this year. During my time on committee, I was in frequent communication with members of the society when advertising events and managing social media accounts, allowing me to develop a strong understanding and connection to our members. My experiences have also taught me the things we could have done better this year and I am eager to work within the next committee to maintain momentum and pass on the lessons we have learned as a new society.


I am currently leading the development of our merchandise, which has required me to work with external manufacturers and designers as well as our own committee members to coordinate the project and keep to deadlines. My experience in leading our merchandise project has taught me leadership skills within a committee setting which I believe will translate well into the role of President. 

It has been a pleasure nurturing and shaping the society into what it is today and it would be an honour for me to continue working as part of the committee to guide and facilitate the growth of our community. To continue providing meaningful resources and opportunities for students in the CS department while being there for our members as a support network when challenges arise.