Election post



I’m Pavel, a student of Economics running for Client Relations VP. As the First-Year Executive at Business Society, I collaborated with the current Executives in organising events, successfully reached out to high-profile speakers, and moderated two panel events, including the Non-Finance Orientation Day.

During my time at Business Society, I’ve developed a connection with the committee, other professional societies, and our talented members. Driven by this, I am to make every minute with BizSoc worthwhile to you. Therefore, I will:

  1. Expand the prestige of UCL Business Society through valuable sponsorships from the world’s top firms.
  2. Cultivate new opportunities for our members through active collaboration with other UCL societies.
  3. Secure new partnerships with firms, business schools, and even university societies outside of UCL, to provide a set of initiatives unique to you as members. Think insight sessions with top sponsor firms, exclusive networking events, and engaging workshops: all aimed to put you a step ahead.

My experience in helping raise over £10,000 for the Robotics Club I co-founded at Brighton College makes me confident in running for this position. By building a society from scratch, securing 7 global sponsor firms, and helping manage a team of 25, I gained the essential skills for the role of Client Relations VP.

I thank you for your consideration, and will make sure your vote counts!