Election post


Hi everyone! I’m Leo, a soon to be 3rd year who’s also the outside hitter for the Men’s Volleyball Team. Over the last two years, I’ve competed for the Men’s team, participated in social sessions, and even served on the committee as Marketing Director — curating content for the Beginning of Year marketing campaign. I believe the UCL Volleyball Club is a unique environment where, in addition to honing our volleyball skills, we can build lasting friendships and bonds that extend beyond the sport. It is also for this reason that I feel disappointed that, as one of the largest sports societies at UCL, we are lacking tremendously in the merchandise and goods available to our members. As Vice President of the club, I hope to design reasonably-priced merchandise that reflects our club's lively, social identity. As of this manifesto, I’ve reached out to companies including Lucozade, Reebok, and Redbull to negotiate sponsorships that will heighten the presence of our events while hopefully lowering costs. As a returning third year, I’m committed to making the club the best it can be for the third year in a row. Feel free to reach out to me if you have any questions! I would be grateful for your vote. #bleedpurple