Election post


The Treasurer role requires responsibility when overseeing the society's financial activities and requires close collaboration with the Student union alongside senior members of the society such as the President and Vice Presidents in order to ensure events are run smoothly and efficiently via sponsorship. Budgeting remains a prominent aspect of this role as well as monitoring the financial inflows and outflows of the society. Having established a successful reselling business alongside 2 others, I am experienced in applying these skills to practical problems as well as being able to work closely with a team in order to deliver a service. Studying Economics has also developed my ability to work with finances. Establishing this business has heightened my teamworking abilities and this will contribute when communicating with various parties in the buildup to creating these events and further improving our society. This leads onto the skill of problem solving which becomes significant in the case where things do not go to plan and alternative measures will be needed in order to ensure success. Communicating with peers and taking aboard feedback in order to tailor the best possible experience for students in our society next year is something I look forward to being apart of. I believe I possess the required skillset in order to excel in this role and I look forward to being able to improve the society and assist in the organisation of future events if successful.