Election post


Hey everyone! I'm Charlie and I’m hoping to be your Drama Producer. I would absolutely love to oversee and facilitate next year’s fiction productions and believe I have the right experience and skills required to do this role well. While I won’t pretend to be an omniscient expert, I do have a fair bit of experience working as or with producers so I know that organisation, versatility and an in-depth understanding of every stage of production is essential to this role. Previously, I’ve worked on feature films as a production assistant, working closely with producers during the pre-production stages as well as for the duration of the filming, and have some experience working with post-production coordinators as well. I want to use my skills and experience to help everyone in the society continue to create and distribute some supreme quality projects and have a great time while doing so. As those who know me can confirm, I’m a chronic people pleaser (it’s an issue but not a problem) so I will be putting all the time and effort humanly possibly into this role and into helping you all make the best possible projects.

Some things I want to do with this role are:

  • To create a close, fun and professional environment on the set. The vibe and relationships on set are what truly make or break a filming experience, and of course we all want to have the greatest time (while also getting things finished on time). I will organise socials and screenings to facilitate a strong sense of community and friendship on each project. I