Election post


Hi everyone! My name is Freddy, and I am thrilled to be running for the position of VP of Sponsorship.

Currently, I am a Consulting Analyst at Deloitte's London office as an Industrial Placement student, working at the firm's Strategy, Analytics, and M&A offering. My time at Deloitte has allowed me to establish a robust network within the firm and gain a deep understanding of the industry's ways of working. This experience has provided me with valuable insights in stakeholder management and critical skills to excel in the role of VP of Sponsorship.

As a strong believer in direct and effective communication, I understand the importance of being clear and concise in my interactions with stakeholders. In my experience, I have found that effective communication avoids inefficiencies and fosters innovation.

If nominated, I will leverage my experience in the industry to cultivate valuable relationships, with both existing and future sponsors, to secure partnerships that benefit our members and the society as a whole. I will be committed to pitching the society to different parties and showcasing my enthusiasm for what we do, whether that be through the means of writing emails, building pitches, or stakeholder management.

As I return to UCL in September as a year 3 economics student, I am eager to take on this new challenge and contribute to the growth of the society. Thank you for your consideration, and feel free to reach out through LinkedIn for any questions you may have!