Election post


Hello! I'm Brooke and I've been part of Model UN in some capacity since 2018. Here at UCL, MUN has provided me with a place to engage in insightful discussions, learn new skills, and just have a good time. It's been great serving as part of the interim training committee, and hopefully y'all will give me the chance to give back to the team as one of your new training officers.

As a training officer, I would focus on three areas:

1. More dynamic training sessions

I understand that every delegate may excel in different areas, and a one-size-fits-all approach to training doesn't work for everyone. Drawing from my experience as former USG of my high school MUN club and captain of parliamentary debate, I would incorporate public speaking drills and group work exercises to improve specific skills useful for conferences.

2. Diversification of types of committees

As someone who specializes in crisis, I believe I could offer a different perspective and diversify UCLUNA. Our team is very GA-oriented, so adding my crisis expertise to the set of skills of the leadership team would add new dimensions and take the UCLMUN team to new heights.

3. Open communication

I totally get how intimidating it can be to ask for help/advice. As training officer, I promise to always be around to answer questions and provide support for members. Whether you need ideas for a crisis arc, edits on your position paper, or just to rant about how your committee's going, I'm happy to help you through it all!


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