Election post


Hello, everyone! I'm Lou, a second-year MSE student, and I'm really excited about creating more opportunities for us to connect and explore our career paths. I have a strong passion for healthcare technology, particularly in the field of medical robotics. I'm constantly researching internship opportunities and chatting with PhD students, which has led me to discover some incredible individuals who would be fantastic speakers for our student society. I'm eager to contribute to the growth of our society and be a part of the events organising team.

I believe I'm a great fit for this role because I am extremely organised, time efficient, and dedicated to tailoring our events to your interests. 
Additionally, I'm connected with Swiss tech companies in London through the Swiss society, which could open up some wonderful networking opportunities for all of us.

One of my ideas for future events is to host Q&A sessions about pursuing masters and PhDs in healthcare tech. These sessions would involve discussions with master's and PhD students from institutions like Imperial, UCL, and others. It would be a fantastic way for us to learn from more experienced students, and for our post-graduate members, it presents a valuable networking opportunity.

I'm excited to be part of this journey with you, so please remember to vote for me. With your help, we can turn these ideas into exciting realities and make our student society even better together!

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