Election post


Musical theatre communities have always been where I find my people, regardless of the countries I have been in. Sharing memories and time spent during rehearsals and on stage creates a special connection, and that is why I love this form of performing arts so much.

One of the best decisions I made during my fresher's week was participating in the fresher's musical. Despite the limited rehearsal time, I connected with many lovely freshers and committee members, building lasting bonds. I feel very fortunate to be involved in both musical theatre productions (Lift and Chess) happening this term, serving as a cast member where I can truly commit as a performer alongside amazing cast members, and as a member of the production team where I focus on my organisational and creative aspects to support the cast members in delivering their best performances.

The Musical Theatre society has already become a core part of my university life, and seeing familiar faces from this society around campus has been delightful. As I always enjoy organising events and being an approachable representative at school, I am hoping to contribute to this amazing society and committee as a fresher.

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