Election post


Hi everyone! My name is Lena, and I am a First Year International Social and Political Studies student. Though my course is quite interdisciplinary, I plan to pursue a career in law and am passionate about the idea that anyone from any background should be enabled to work in the legal sector. Because of this, I would love to contribute to LfA as Freshers’ Representative and represent the interests of First Years in the society!

In this role, I would like to contribute to the implementation of workshops geared towards aiding non-law students in writing compelling and successful applications for vacation schemes and other job opportunities. I would also advocate for socials in collaboration with other societies in similar sectors, such as the Diplomacy Society and International Relations Society to facilitate exchange between students with similar interests. Most importantly, as FYR, I will take students’ concerns and ideas into account and act in accordance with their wishes to create a vibrant and welcoming society!

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