Election post


Hi my name is emma 

I am running to be your social sec this year. As a competitive member of the lacrosse team and almost always attending socials , I feel I would be a very strong fit for this role. I have shown myself to be up for anything proven by my 22 day bender during tour last year despite apparently having Scarlett fever. I am commited to the social life of lacrosse, attending ministry every Tuesday and then showing up to matches and scala on Wednesdays , nothing can dissuade me. If you know me then you my motto is ‘ we’re here for a good time not a long time’. Despite this I want to highlight my commitment to making sure everyone feels safe and comfortable, in particular I would aim to encourage more active bystander training and promote more non drinking socials as well as making sure I am a well known face amongst freshers and other members of lacrosse. Vote for me and I will ensure by the end of the year lacrosse will have the best socials across the whole of ucl #sliving