Election post


Hi, I’m Caitlin. I joined cheerleading last year, whilst new, I’ve been a competitive gymnast since age 8. My aim as team captain is to build a strong team based on respect and hard work. I want to ensure every member feels valued, heard and motivated.


  • Teamwork, each contribution is critical, every stunt and routine relies on seamless cooperation from all. 
  • Inclusivity ensures every voice is heard; every member feels valued.
  • Excellence on the competition floor comes from hard work and dedication. A supportive and safe environment assists us to succeed.


  • Team Spirit: to nurture a supportive atmosphere where camaraderie thrives. Social events are key; more than just sports night!
  • Training: team achieves when we train together, this being fundamental to our success.


  • Leadership, Planning and Communication skills, coaching gymnastics enabled my ability to organise a team but crucially to motivate. Leadership is not just steering a team but inspiring members to reach and surpass their goals.
  • Competition Experience means I am well versed in choreographing routines,the attention to detail required, and the pressures of performing under the spotlight on competition day.
  • Support: As a medical student, I’ve a keen understanding of mental and physical well-being. I’m approachable and willing to listen on any matter.

Thanks for considering me for captain. We’re a really strong team and I’m so excited for us to smash it this year!