Election post


Hi, I'm Ellen!

What distinguishes me is a clear vision for the development of the Social Enterprise division in Business Society, coupled with actionable plans to drive meaningful change. Having served as the interim Social Enterprise Vice-President for the last few months and as a First-Year Executive last academic year, I am well-equipped with the necessary experience, insights, and passion to steer our division towards even greater heights.

My events so far includes the recent AmplifyME simulator, which aims to improve diversity and inclusion in banking. Building on such successes, my team and I are currently finalising details for the upcoming Impact Investment Championships, which promises to be our flagship for the 5th year running. 

Looking ahead, my goals extend towards partnering with start-ups to implement mentorship schemes, and I would love exploring avenues for us to level the playing field by providing more equitable opportunities for all members. 

Additionally, I am committed to fostering collaboration by expanding partnerships and breaking down siloed work styles. By creating a more interconnected and dynamic environment, we can maximise our collective potential and drive even greater positive change within our community.

The feedback I have received so far has been heartening, and I am grateful for your continued support. Feel free to contact me at [email protected] if you would like to learn more about any of my points above. 

Thank you for your vote!