Nominations: Nominations closed
Voting: Voting closed

This is my second year at UCL Buddhist Society, and I really enjoyed attending all the sessions, events and activities, as well as making lots of great friends.
I would like to become the marketing officer as I want to make as much contribution as I can to this awesome family. It would be desirable if more students at UCL can at least get a grasp of what Buddhism is, through coming to our weekly free sessions, therefore I believe marketing is a crucial role to be filled in.
I have previous work experience in related areas, such as attending the marketing insight programme at Ascott hotel in China. Moreoever, I think I would be a good fit for this role since I have a pssion for Buddhism, I am organised, and I have a decent level of teamwork skills.
If I am successful, I would do these things to promote our society:
1. Marketing UCL Buddhist society through various social platforms, in particular Instagram.
2. Putting up leaflets around the univerisity to make sure people know about our weekly discussions.
3. Possibly reaching out to external Buddhist organisations to invite great Buddhists come in to give talks available to all at UCL, by working with our external relationship officer and the president etc.