Election post


Hi everyone! :) I am Catalina, nice to meet you all! 


Just a little introduction about myself: if you haven’t guessed already, I love everything about boba. It's my go-to drink in any situation and it never ever fails to make me smile. My all-time fave is Coco's hot taro milk tea with 30% sugar (yes, hot - I know it sounds weird at first, but I'm telling you the moment I tried it, it literally changed my life). 


My passion for boba has inspired me to dedicate my time to introducing boba to more people and to simply enjoy the process of making and drinking boba with others. I have never forgotten how welcomed I felt when I first joined Bubble Tea Society’s Movie Night. Drinking boba with both new and familiar faces in the room made me feel like I belonged. Sharing this passion of mine with our society and recreating the experience I had that day is what I aim to achieve during my presidency. 


It would be an honour to run as president and see this goal come to life.

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