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Julia Anting Wolff

Hi! I’m Julia and I’m a fourth-year International Social and Political Studies student who has just returned from her year abroad in Taiwan! I am running for Volunteering Director.

Before my year abroad, I served on the UCLUNA committee as an Events Officer and would love to continue my engagement with the society this year! I’m someone who loves working with others and is comfortable pitching and executing ideas, which are critical traits for a committee member in such a fast-growing and evolving society.

This past year, I’ve become increasingly aware of opportunities for young people to get involved with the United Nations in a volunteer capacity. I had the opportunity to engage with the United Nations on various occasions. In April I attended the ECOSOC Youth Forum in New York and for the past few months, I’ve been engaging with the UNFCCC’s youth constituency YOUNGO through their Climate Finance Academy.

As Volunteering Director I plan to use the connections and insights from these experiences to highlight and create opportunities for UCLUNA members to get actively engaged with the United Nations and sustainable development initiatives more generally.

As someone who has been doing MUN for 9 years, I believe that MUN truly equips students with the skillset necessary to engage with real-world issues in an informed, meaningful way and I want to help our members take their commitment to sustainable development into the real world to create lasting change.