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Long Chi Wong

Hello, everyone! This is me, Long Chi Wong, and I am running for Crisis director this year!

Those who come to weekly UCLUNA training sessions may recognise me as the one delivering the most explosive speeches. Those who go to MUN conferences around London may see me working hard in various Crisis committees as a backroomer, or sometimes as a Crisis Director. Indeed, since joining the United Nations Association last year, I have delegated in two, backroomed in eight, and directed two Crisis Committees in London and beyond. If you go to a Crisis Committee in London this year, you are guaranteed to see me. And now, I want to go one step further, and guide all of you towards the exciting and intriguing lands of Crisis committees all around London and beyond!

This year, I hope to sprinkle in various Crisis training sessions throughout the years in addition to the GA-focussed weekly sessions. In addition to that, special mini Crisis committees shall be set up around Christmas and other holidays, whenever possible. Like always, I will make myself available during pre-conference preparations before various London conferences, to prepare everyone for the Crisis committee that will happen very soon. I am open to suggestions as well, so if anyone have any ideas I will absolutely try to make them a reality!