Everything you need to know about the General Election Find out more

Here’s the list of collaborative projects from last year’s partnerships:

Zoe Schott, MSc International Public Policy & Dimitrios Tourountsis, Brook Young People

Why do some young people from immigrant communities in the UK seek sexual health services less frequently than others?

Sigrid Duekilde, MSc Anthropology, Environment and Development & Krysia Woroniecka, Global Feedback

What influences UK framers growing sugar beet in their choices, decisions, and trade-offs regarding land use and resources?

Roman Malin-Hiscock, MSc Prosperity, Innovation and Entrepreneurship & Steve Thomas & Anne Elkins, The Felix Project

How can ‘community wealth building’ be used to build resilient food systems?

Lucy Lawrenson, MSc Environment, Society and Politics & Paul Ely, Haringey Council

Planning for Multiple Publics in Tottenham’s Greenspaces

Yanxun Shi, MSc Real Estate Economics and Investment Analysis & Alex McCallum, Shelter

The Exploratory Analysis of Housing-induced Poverty in the UK

Clare Leckie, MSc Economics and Policy of Energy and the Environment & Possible

Car-free megacities: a case study of Inner London

Nina Pigorini, MSc Health Psychology & Bohdana Dock, The Mix

Understanding the Support Needs of British LGBTQ youth: a qualitative study

Ji Qi, MSc Sustainable Resources: Economics, Policy & Transitions & Lucas Capalbo, Bloomsbury Football

The impact of sustainable initiatives in football teams

Kate McKean-Tinker, MA Archives & Records Management & Martha de la Roche, Access to Justice Foundation

How have the Network for Justice’s stakeholders’ information rights been ensured by the UK’s official approach to information dissemination during the COVID-19 pandemic and how has this approach impacted them?

Tidong Cao, MSc Smart Cities and Urban Studies & Dimitrios Tourountsis, Brook Young People

title pending

Xingyue Li, MSc Business Analytics & Bohdana Dock, The Mix

Building a recommender system: experiment on matrix factorisation and neural collaborative filtering methods

Yushan He, MSc Business Analytics & Bohdana Dock, The Mix

User-based collaborative filtering recommendation algorithm based on users’ browsing history

Cecilia Liao, MSc Business Analytics & Dimitrios Tourountsis, Brook Young People

title pending

Neil Sam-Soon, MSc Business Analytics & Dimitrios Tourountsis, Brook Young People

title pending

Yuan Gu, MSc Business Analytics & Dimitrios Tourountsis, Brook Young People

Developing Risk Prediction Models for Chlamydia and Gonorrhoea Tests

Yueting Yu, MSc Business Analytics & Dimitrios Tourountsis, Brook Young People

Developing prediction models for chlamydia diagnoses among young sexual health clinic attendees in England

Greg Acosta, MSc Business Analytics & Jennifer Barnes, Centrepoint

Data-Driven Insights Into the Incidence of Homelessness in the UK Using Text-based Clustering of Crisis Helpline Records

Zhilin Zhou, MSc Business Analytics & Bohdana Dock, The Mix

Utilizing Long Short-Term Memory Networks for Identification of Helpline Users in Crisis. Based on Conversation Transcripts and Demographic Information

Ruobing Bai, MSc Business Analytics & Bohdana Dock, The Mix

Detection of Vulnerable Individuals Using Natural Language Processing of Helpline Records

Yueyan Wang, MSc Business Analytics & Bohdana Dock, The Mix

Creating a Recommender System For The Mix Based on Content and Collaborative Filtering to provide users with suggested next steps

Celebrate and be inspired by some of last year’s students and organisations who shared their reflections and experiences during CRIS symposium showcasing knowledge exchange between community organisations and UCL students. Watch the recording of the live Welcome 2021 event.