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Sadashiv Nayanpally is a master's student studying Education and International Development at the IOE. He's been volunteering with Refugee Council and told us his experience as a Refugee Integration Advice volunteer. Read his heartwarming story below to see what it's like to support newly-recognised refugees in the UK.


Tell us a little bit about your volunteering.

I work as a Refugee Integration Advice volunteer with the Refugee Council in Stratford. I support people who recently received their Refugee status to access their benefits and entitlements as well as help them in integrating into UK society. I normally volunteer one full day a week and sometimes two days too. I have been volunteering since end of October 2019.

How did you find out about the role?

I found out about the role through UCL Careers.

Why did you want to become a volunteer?

I’ve been passionate about community development all my life and have worked in this sector for the past 6 years in India. While doing my Masters, I wanted to enrich my learning experience by volunteering with a development organisation in the UK while simultaneously doing my bit for the community.

What difference do you feel you’ve made by volunteering?

I feel like I’ve helped some of the most vulnerable people in London access their basic entitlements and supported them in integrating into London’s multicultural society.

What impact has volunteering had on you?

Volunteering has helped me connect with people who have seen immense hardships in life and are still going strong in overcoming them. They have been an inspiration for me personally, and also a humbling reminder of how privileged I am. I have also come to appreciate the extensive social security net that the UK provides for people facing vulnerabilities and distress.   

I have learned to communicate with people using interpreters, and have managed to connect with them despite language barriers. I have also got a good understanding of welfare policies of the UK for people in distress and this knowledge will help me later in my career in this sector.

What’s the best thing about volunteering?

Creating genuine connections – with clients and my colleagues. Refugee Council has provided a great space where such connections can be made since volunteers do most of the client engagement work, while providing an excellent support system to help us do that effectively.

And the most challenging? How did you overcome the challenges?

Getting too carried away and developing empathy fatigue. My advisors were very supportive and helped me in being clear about when to say no, and maintaining clear barriers to the extent to which we can support our clients.

Tell us about something memorable that’s happened to you whilst volunteering

I had a particularly distressed client, who was also a victim of hate crime in London, and had lost complete faith in the system and was on the verge of giving up hope on us as well. Over the course of a few weeks, I was able to help calm his anxieties and help him access the support services he required.

Would you recommend volunteering? If so, why?

I would definitely recommend volunteering because it helps being genuinely empathetic to people less fortunate than us. It is a means by which one can support a fellow human being in distress without compromising on their dignity. It is a truly equalising experience and helps bring humility to our lives.

If Sadashiv's story has piqued your interest in volunteering with refugees, check out Refugee Council's home-based Integration Advice volunteer role, so you too can support others remotely.