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UCL put breaks on attendance monitoring initiative 

Last term, you voted in our referendum and an overwhelming 87% of you said that you would not want UCL to monitor your attendance and use that data to block students with low attendance from sitting assessments for that module. 

Your sabbatical officers had been opposing this policy for some time prior to the referendum, with concerns that the significant cost of the system could be far better spent elsewhere, and also because we believe UCL should be acting in students' best interests, which does not involve barring them from sitting their assessments. However, they were finding it difficult to deter the university from their path. 

But your collective voice has made a huge difference and we are so pleased to report that UCL have now reconsidered their plan.

This is a huge testament to the impact that we can have when we come together and use our power as vital members of the UCL community to defend our education and demand the student experience you deserve. When you talk, UCL listens. 

Transcripts, transcripts everywhere

We are very happy to announce that as of this year graduating students will receive 5 copies of their academic transcript (free of charge) as opposed to just a single copy. We hope this means students will save money on ordering extras and ensures they have spares in the case of misplacing their transcript.

Furthermore, as part of our additional course costs campaign “Don’t Pay Again”, we have obtained a commitment from UCL to remove the transcript fee, which currently stands at £15 per transcript if need a copy before graduation. Whether you need it for when applying for postgraduate study or employment/graduate schemes, we are pleased that students will no longer be required to fork out the extra cash for this service. 

What next?

Whether you got involved with either of these campaigns or not, if you've been inspired by the power we have to make change together, take the opportunity to consider what you would improve about life at UCL. There are loads of ways you can make a change here and if you want to speak to someone about getting involved with or starting a particular campaign, you can always contact us on [email protected]