UK General Election TODAY. Voting Closes at 22:00 Where to vote


  • Have you been involved with a student-led community project as part of the VSU's Innovations Programme?
  • Are you proud of what you and your volunteers have achieved over the last academic year?
  • Would you like the work of your project to be recognised?

If so, it’s time to put your project forward for the VSU Innovations Programme Project of the Year Award 2012 -13.


  • The project was well-planned and well-managed.
  • The project made a demonstrable difference to others in the community.
  • The project was innovative.
  • The project has an evaluation plan which will be used to improve the project further.
  • Both volunteers and project leaders have learnt from the experience.
  • The impact of the project is likely to be sustained into the future.

Where a project has existed for more than a year, nominees should also show how they’ve improved the project during 2012-13.


Download the nomination form.

You will also need to obtain a supporting statement from one community partner.  There is a section for this on the attached form.

Only one nomination per project - please liaise with the other project leaders before submitting.

Once the project leader and community partner sections are complete, submit the form to Dee Davis at [email protected]


Nominations commence: Tuesday 12 March 2013 

Nominations close: Tuesday 23 April 2013.

The winners will be announced at the VSU Award Ceremony on Tuesday 4 June 2013.   

Please return all forms to Dee Davis at: [email protected]

Note: If you have volunteered with an externally-run charity, community group or volunteering organisation, you can nominate them for    The UCL Volunteering Organisation of the Year.


Picture above: Joint Award winners, UCL Marrow and Foodcycle volunteers at 2011-12 Award Ceremony.