Election post

What do you hope to achieve in the role if you are elected?

Clearer communication. A week ago I had no idea that this existed and going into it I'm not quite sure what it entails. Clarifying and seeing what previous years have achieved to build on instead of restarting ideas would be great. 

SU employees: Push for biweekly payment instead of monthly. Being an employee myself (come say hi @ Institute Bar!) it's frustrating to wait esp when ur broke.

More job opps: Talking to staff, I found out UCL outsources a lot of work that could be done by students and give us opportunities to meet other students e.g. event staffing/design.

Better hoodies.

What will you bring to this role (e.g. experience, skills or qualities)?

Having been head of the student voice council and senior house captain, I have experience with project management to see projects through instead of stagnating, earning my council the principals recognition of "actually getting things done!". I learned that the best way to do everything was to be approachable, flexible, and if you want something, to push and annoy people for it until something gives way. I'll bring a "can do and will do" attitude to this role and personally I'd be great at this role as I'm genuinely frustrated at some of these things and would like to see it done!!!!!!

Please summarise why students should vote for you.

In secondary, my previous experience meant I was able to sit on the board of directors as a student representative just like this. This means that I'm used to this environment where establishments want to integrate younger voices but do it in a performative way where their voices may not change much, if at all, in the end. I may only have 12 months, but within this timeframe I'll not only achieve my aims but begin setting structures to ensure this role has a greater impact for the years after us.

e.g. ways to contact trustees-contact w prev trustees/strengthen bonds -UCL bureacratic awareness