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"I was doing something proactive with my time, which I would have spent watching TV otherwise."
We spoke with 3rd Year Chemistry student Rianna Pindoria, who has been busy volunteering at Ongoing placements, at One-Off Events and with
The year so far...
Now that it's almost the end of term (gasp), we thought we'd give you a run-down of everything the Volunteering Service has been getting up to the past few months to ensure you had the best volunteering experience possible. We've been busy behind-the-scenes to make it all happen, a
2017 - A Year in Profiles
As a service, we’ve always looked to recognise student volunteering, both through our annual awards ceremony, and our Student Stories
“It’s just such a small thing to do, but it really makes a big impact”
Lara Parienti is a second year BSc Applied Medical Sciences student and a Patient Anti-Boredom Volunteer at the UCH Cancer Centre, with UCH Cancer Fund. UCH Cancer Fund provides support for pa tients and carers in addition to NHS services, through fundraising and pastoral care.
'It’s just a really positive atmosphere and a really good way to spend a day a week.'
Summer Volunteering 2018
Summer's here, and it's time to get volunteering! We've moved our summer volunteering information to our Level Up pages
''It’s useful to think of maths as a tool. You don’t have to like mathematics, but it will help you a lot in the future and present''
Liluo Yan is an MSc Global Prosperity student and a Volunteer Tutor at Action Tutoring. Action Tutoring is a national education charity that supports young people facing socio-economic disadvantage to achieve a meaningful level of academic attainment.
"At first, I just wanted to try something I really enjoy and now it’s like having a friend."
Yiwei Wang is a second-year BSc Psychology student and a volunteer befriender for the Association of Jewish Refugees.
“I just think that gives an opportunity very different to what you’d get in UCL; the opportunity to meet someone with a completely different age, perspective, or worldview”
Matthew Appleton is a second year BSc Geography student, and a volunteer befriender for Holborn Community Association. HCA work to reduce isolation and loneliness by offering a variety of activities and services to local people.
"I honestly just really loved seeing them learn, and teaching children was great… I felt like I was really helping them out"
Fausta Gabola is in her third year studying BSc Human Sciences. She’s volunteered with Salusbury World Refugee Centre, where she helped out as a Homework Club Volunteer.
Volunteering for students with disabilities
Our aim is to make volunteering an attractive and accessible option for all UCL students. If you have a disability, we're here to help you.
Get started with Volunteering!
Alumni Stories
UCL student volunteers tell us they benefit from getting involved in so many ways – a chance to make a difference, meet new people, learn new skills, and make connections across London.
Volunteering and UCL Academic Departments
Clubs & Societies Volunteering
The Student-Led Projects team in the Volunteering Service support Clubs and Societies to set up partnerships with local charities and community organisations.
Our Impact
Each year, we use surveys and other data collection techniques to measure our impacts and gauge the quality of our services.
Donating to the Sarah Douglas Hardship Fund
In December 2012, our friend and colleague Sarah Douglas died following a ten month battle with cancer. Sarah worked at UCLU between 1988 and 2006 and dedicated her time here to improving the welfare of UCL students in so many different ways.
Volunteering Awards
We hold our annual Volunteering Awards to celebrate our wonderful volunteering community here at UCL.
Our standards for students
The Volunteering Service helps UCL students get involved in good-quality volunteering opportunities within London’s communities. In doing so, we aim to give students a chance to positively engage with the wider world, to develop new skills and improve their employability.
Volunteer Expenses
You should be paid travel expenses wherever you’re volunteering.
Volunteering for Postgrads
Here at the Volunteering Service we're keen to make volunteering open to everyone at UCL. We realise that postgrads don't always find it easy to get involved - and so we've done out best to take away the barriers.
Now you're volunteering
Once you're volunteering, bear in mind the extra support on offer here at UCL:
Iheanyichukwu Uzoma
Iheanyichukwu is studying for an MSc in Systems Engineering Management, and took part in the VSU’s Halls of Residence Volunteering Initiative. He told us about his experiences.
Sheikh Momin
Sheikh Momin is currently in his first year of a Medicine degree at UCL. This year, he has volunteered with the UCLU Bangla Society’s Mentoring Scheme.