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As a result of the All Student Meeting vote on whether the Union should support a People's Vote on the Brexit deal, we've written to our MP, Keir Starmer. The letter can be read below:


Dear Sir Keir Starmer


As our Member of Parliament, we ask that you use your position in opposition as Shadow Secretary of State for Exiting the European Union to bring about a People’s Vote on the final Brexit deal – with the option to remain in the European Union.


In the last week we have had sight of the draft EU Withdrawal Agreement and believe this proposal offers us a significantly worse deal than that which we currently enjoy.


Since the publication of the Withdrawal Agreement, the Prime Minister has sought support by using divisive language to describe migrant workers. These migrant workers are our friends, lecturers and colleagues. Brexit is already doing damage by stoking up fear and sowing division – and it has to stop.


As the representative body for all UCL students, we speak on behalf of a significant number of your constituents.


At our All Student Meeting on Thursday 15 November 2018 a motion was proposed to support a People’s Vote on the final Brexit deal – with an option to remain in the EU. The motion passed with an overwhelming majority - 1026 students voting for, 123 against and 161 abstentions.


UCL is London’s global university – with more than 28% of the student body domiciled in the EU (excl. UK). The contribution of EU students to UCL, and the access we have to European research funding, helps make us a world-leading institution. Our culture, history and place in the world is owed to our ability to attract, collaborate with and retain extraordinary students and staff. To put this at risk, without putting a plan for the future of UK to the people, is a dangerous path and one our members wholly reject.


We call on your support for a People’s Vote.


Yours sincerely,


Mahmud Rahman (on behalf of Union Sabbatical Officers)

Democracy, Operations and Community Officer

Students’ Union UCL


Nathaniel Shaughnessy

European Politics MSc

UCL lead for ‘Our Future, Our Choice’