Everything you need to know about the General Election Find out more

The Leadership Elections are over. This year, 6,763 students cast 33,204 votes (including 2,141 abstentions).

This is the most ever votes cast in an election at UCL and we're excited to note that this year more postgraduates and more women voted. 

59% of voters this Spring were women which is in line with the fact that the UCL campus is made up of 58% women. We are so thrilled to have seen a +5% increase in women voters from last year and an increase in women standing for leadership positions. 

The new student leaders for the Union have been elected and they are…


Activities Officer

Khaleel Mirza with 1832 votes

Take a look at Khaleel's manifesto


Detailed Results


Black and Minority Ethnic Students' Officer

Samira Abdalla with 1108 votes

Take a look at Samira's manifesto


Detailed Results


Democracy, Operations and Community Officer

Mahmudur 1717 votes

Take a look at Mahmudur's manifesto


Detailed Results


Education Officer

Farooq Dean with 1808

Take a look at Farooq's manifesto


Detailed Results


Postgraduate Students' Officer

Saddiqur Rahman with 707 votes

Take a look at Saddiqur's manifesto


Detailed Results


Welfare and International Officer

Rothna Akhtar with 1643 votes

Take a look at Rothna's manifesto


Detailed Results


Women's Officer

Abeni Adeyemi with 680 votes

Take a look at Abeni's manifesto


Detailed Results


All candidate profiles can be viewed here

Part-time Officers

Arts Officer: Anna Routova

Detailed results

Community Relations Officer: Akifah Mojadady / Ladan Moalin  (job share)

Detailed results

External Accommodation Officer: Rashad Ramali

Detailed results

Halls Accommodation Officer: Kendall Field-Pellow

Detailed results

Institute of Education Students' Officer: Maira Khan

Detailed results

International Students' Officer: Jiawen Tian / Catherine Fan (job share)

Detailed results

LGBT+ Officer: Cameron Wildridge

Detailed results

RUMS Officer: Dan Ntuiabane

Detailed results

School of Pharmacy Students' Officer: Ruby Akkad

Detailed results

Societies Officer: Lubab Azad / Himaayat Chowdhury (job share)

Detailed results

Sustainability Officer: Najmus-Seher Ghufoor

Detailed results


Union Chair

Union Chair: Ibrahim Inayat

Detailed results

And, if you missed out on submitting a nomination or were unsuccessful this round, and returning to UCL next year, please do consider putting yourself forward for our Autumn elections. All unfilled positions from the Spring will be available in the Autumn as well as Faculty Representative positions for each level of study. Register your interest here



Click here for committee position results