Election post


Hi all,

My name is Robbie and for the past two years, I've been a development officer in the AI society. I've been pretty busy organising ClimateHack and the Doxathon, but I'm also aware that the society is doing tons of other cool stuff, like tutorials and foundry. Hopefully as President next year I can get involved with everything!

Here's my manifesto in a short and easy way to read (and write):

  1. Integration: AI society tends to attract a lot of really smart people with immense capabilities. I want to bring them together and make some cool projects (like the dev team project!).
  2. Communication: Same weekly committee meetings and pizza socials (what is AI society without pizza socials?).
  3. Small events: Lots of the same speaker events, weekly tutorials, etc that happened in previous years. I hope to continue everything thats been working well already.
  4. Big events: The Doxathon was great. I hope to organise more big hackathons and events just like it!

Despite how cool AI is, my manifesto is 100% man-made. I hope we can keep AI society as good as it has been in the last few years! 🚀