Election post


I am standing for the position of co-editor-in-chief of Era Journal because, first and foremost, I love Era Journal. I believe no other student publication within the UCL student body comes close to providing the diversity of topic, voice, and style that Era possesses. Era is a vital publication and resource within the university, at a time when culture is appearing increasingly uniform and stagnant, Era allows for an exploration of expression through various mediums that, currently stand as rare and therefore important if one wishes for culture to thrive. Having explored my interest in music through various articles, I have become familiar with the editorial structure and process of the journal. Consequently, I know what makes an article good and what does not. As co-editor, I wish to further the current team's work in developing Era’s reach as a formidable and respected Art and Culture journal, working closely with writers on topics that speak to the past, present, and future of the cultural epochs Era’s writing concerns. I possess a wealth of writing experience, from my work in Era to script and stage. As a disciplined writer, editor, and ‘cultural fanatic’, I want to further Era’s exceptional reputation from outside of the university and into larger cultural conversation across London and beyond.