Election post


As Treasurer of the Entrepreneur’s society, I will carefully manage the society’s expenditures and work towards promoting a positive environment, where we can build a community and work as a team to achieve our goals. I will make sure transactions and the society’s money is spent correctly and recorded transparently, so it can be spent to benefit members. Further, I want to be able to grow the society and have an important role overlooking and helping the committee. I therefore plan to help the society with their budget, to avoid it getting into debt, and having a bigger impact on the society and its operations.


I have been at UCLE for one year, and previously worked as Social and Events Executive, later being promoted to Community Director. I believe I have the experience to work as a team, especially in this society, and the positive environment we already have is one I hope to continue promoting next year. I want to bring my financial skills but also my “community skills” into use, as being Treasurer requires a lot of communication with other committee members. Pursuing a degree in History, Politics and Economics, I learned about finance and budgeting through different modules and extracurricular courses, and I will certainly apply these into the role of Treasurer.


I would like you to vote for me because I am open-minded, very eager to learn and will dedicate a lot to the society, and make sure it will be successful. In addition, I also hope to make the society a place where students can freely discuss